Back to: Presenting with Impact
Introduction and Welcome
How to make this course work for you
If you choose to enroll on this course, please commit to engaging yourself in it. The course will only have the impact that you want it to have if you commit yourself to all the modules, exploring the concepts in each module and developing new behaviours required. I know this can be difficult as this requires breaking habits and forming new habits. To break a habit that is not serving you or giving you the best results, you have to consciously decide to change it, stop it and replace with new habits, or ways of working. To help you do this, it helps to have a goal. Before you enroll on the course download and complete the worksheet for this lesson
My Presentations Skills My focus and learning plan.
The exercise will focus your commitment. Capture:
- The reason you sought out this course?
- What need will this course meet for you?
- What will be the positive impact to you, your career, your team and/or your organisation by developing your presentation skills?
- What will be the impact or cost of no change?
- So, how important is this to you?
- What are you prepared to do to develop your skills?
- What are you looking to learn from each of the modules?
- How will you measure your progress?
- Who can support and encourage you?
Activity: Speak to your manager, mentor or a person you trust and seek their input. This exercise will help to create the inner drive to be the presenter you want to be.